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Gebar srl

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Via Macchia
82030 Faicchio BN

Tel. +39 0824 815413

the company

Gebar was founded in the 90s by a group of friends who after some experience in the restaurant world decided to open a small ice cream business. They started preparing stuffed fruit with homemade ice cream and sorbet, destined for ice cream parlors and restaurants in the area. The success was of such importance to lead to the development of an expansion project. The project was realized in 2002 when the Cremducale’s brand was born.

The experience gained in the field of ice cream has immediately moved into the world of confectionery with the preparation of homemade cakes, single portion desserts and national and regional specialties, with an excellence of which we are proud: the Babà, which is still “broken” by hand as in the past by our pastry chefs.

Our company was born artisan and wants to remain faithful to its origins even when it moves on the European and international market. Certain principles that have always guided the work of every day remain unchanged “tradition and innovation”, “passion and creativity”, Preserving these concepts is our main mission. The company today boasts an agile and avant-garde production and commercial structure, at the same time capable of maintaining solid ties with the oldest pastry tradition and of efficiently serving a constantly evolving market.

Every day the raw materials that arrive to the company are controlled through strict quality processes, consumer protection in food production is a fundamental duty. Since the early years we have adopted a product traceability system together with a strict HACCP plan and IFS certification which complies with strict international standards. The goods travel always respecting the cold chain guaranteed by suitable means.

Our artisanal dimension allows us to satisfy the most specific requests and to constantly update the range of products, which today has many references. The company covers about 1000 square meters and the laboratory is active with 10 direct productive collaborators, expert pastry chefs, supported by seasonal reinforcements during periods of increased activity.

azienda, cremaducale gebar
baba, cremaducale gebar
cannoli, gebar cremaducale
cannoli cioccolato, cremaducale gebar
torte dessert gebar cremaducale
torte gebar cremaducale

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