Ceramiche Italia srl

Ceramiche Italia srl

You are in:Houseware – Gift back to houseware - gift Ceramiche Italia srl Loc. Ponte Sabato83030 Prata P.U. AV Tel. +39 0825 670949Fax +39 0825 670021 info@ceramicheitalia.it www.ceramicheitalia.it the company The history of Ceramiche Italia begins in 1958, in...
Steel Plastic srl

Steel Plastic srl

You are in:Hardware – Tools back to hardware - tools Steel Plastic srl Via Dell’Artigianato, 720010 Bernate Ticino MI Tel. +39 0384 328100Fax +39 0384 328169 info@steelplastic.it www.steelplastic.it the company Steel Plastic offers a wide range of...
Fabbrica Ferramenta Laorca srl

Fabbrica Ferramenta Laorca srl

You are in:Hardware – Tools back to hardware - tools Fabbrica Ferramenta Laorca srl C.so Monte San Gabriele, 8623900 Lecco Tel. +39 0341 495414Fax +39 0341 254840 laorca@tin.it www.fflaorca.it the company Fabbrica Ferramenta Laorca, founded at the beginning of...
Ma.co srl

Ma.co srl

You are in:Hardware – Tools back to hardware - tools Maco srl Via Macallé, 142 20831 Seregno MB  Tel. +39 0362 320970 Fax +39 0362 320930 info@maco.it www.maco.it the company From Brianza, the homeland of furniture, to international competitiveness: MACO...
Gimap srl

Gimap srl

You are in:Hardware – Tools back to hardware - tools Gimap srl Zona Ind. Giabbio23834 Premana LC Tel. +39 0341 818000 info@fumasi.it www.fumasi.com THE COMPANY The history of GIMAP – FUMASI is typically Italian. Mario Gianola’s dream became a reality, he started...