Frankfurt am Main, 5 January 2022
In view of the exponential worsening of the pandemic situation worldwide and the accompanying tightened travel and contact regulations, the consumer goods fairs Christmasworld, Paperworld, and Creativeworld are cancelled for January 2022 and Ambiente for mid-February 2022. The regionally-oriented trade fair Nordstil from 15 to 17 January 2022 in Hamburg will take place at the present time.
The easing of the pandemic situation that was still hoped for in December is no longer in sight. Instead, the situation is deteriorating worldwide with an enormous, unforeseeable dynamic. This extreme deterioration due to the spread of the Omicron virus in Europe and Germany currently makes it impossible for Messe Frankfurt, as organiser of the leading international trade fairs Christmasworld, Paperworld, and Creativeworld, as well as Ambiente, to keep their dates in Frankfurt at the end of January and in mid-February 2022.
The four events, consisting of Christmasworld with its focus on seasonal and festive decorations, Paperworld and Creativeworld with their product ranges for paper, office supplies, stationery and hobby, craft and artists’ requisites and Ambiente with its cross-sector range of products for the table, kitchen and housewares, furnishing and decorative accessories, home furnishing concepts, gifts and fashion accessories, are the recognised leading trade fairs in their sectors and open the trading year in their respective segments. Even in a reduced numerical form, the four trade fairs would still have been the leading events worldwide for their respective product segments.
However, the exponential increase in the number of infections worldwide in a very short period of time and the accompanying multitude of developments and decisions that are clearly outside the organiser’s sphere of influence have led to a significant deterioration in the general conditions and necessary prerequisites for holding the four leading trade fairs as major events of international relevance at the end of January and in mid-February 2022 respectively. These developments include the classification of Germany as a high-risk area and the associated travel warnings and international and intercontinental travel restrictions in countries such as India, Japan and the United States, as well as the corresponding quarantine obligations. Equally important are the steadily rising infection figures and the accompanying urgent appeal, among others by the Robert Koch Institute and the expert council of the German Federal Government, to continue to reduce contacts to a minimum and to cancel all major events. At present, there are even further international fears that the critical infrastructure will not be maintained due to the highly contagious Omicron variant. The majority of exhibiting and visiting companies at Christmasworld, Paperworld, and Creativeworld as well as Ambiente are currently reacting to this overall situation with travel and trade fair attendance bans for reasons of duty of care towards their employees to protect them from health risks. The global willingness to travel is dropping enormously at the moment.
“This decision was anything but easy for us. However, in agreement with large parts of the industries represented at the fairs, it is now our responsibility to take this difficult step. The last few months have been characterised by optimism, energy and ideas to give Christmasworld, Paperworld, Creativeworld, and Ambiente a successful new start after the compulsory break in 2021”, says Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt. “Our thanks therefore go to all our partners from the consumer-goods sector, be they exhibitors, visitors, associations or the media, who worked with us on the trade fairs until the very end and, like us, put their heart and soul, energy and passion into staging them.”
There are no plans to postpone the event. Braun explains: “Since the trend-oriented order cycles of the international consumer goods industry require an annual event at the beginning of the year, a shift to the second half of the year would not meet the needs of the exhibiting companies and visitors.”
Frankfurt am Main, November 2021. At Ambiente 2022, Dining is the big stage for everything that makes cooking and household goods easier and food more enjoyable. Thomas Kastl, Director Ambiente Dining, reveals in the following interview which highlights the world’s largest consumer goods fair offers and what else visitors need to know.

1. From February 11 to 15, 2022, Ambiente will showcase the most important themes of the entire consumer goods range in the areas of Dining, Living and Giving. At last, industry and retail can experience trade fairs again. What does that mean for you and how will the Dining area be positioned?
Thomas Kastl:
We can hardly wait to finally bring the global consumer goods industry together again at Ambiente. More than 2,400 exhibitors from 74 countries have already confirmed their participation here in Frankfurt and are looking forward to the hustle and bustle on the exhibition grounds. With 272,000 gross square meters, the grounds will have an 87 percent occupancy rate compared to the last event in 2020. However, in order to comply with safety distances and hygiene regulations, the hall layout will be slightly more spacious and some of the aisles will be wider than in the past to allow people to move around more freely. The Dining area will extend over a total of 14 hall levels at Ambiente 2022. Visitors will find a wide range of lifestyle products for the table, kitchen, leisure, household goods and hospitality. All Dining halls will be occupied as usual in their basic structure and we will also have our own HoReCa hall again in Hall 6.0.
The focus next February will be on one thing above all: personal encounters. Because this has been sorely lacking in recent months. The same applies to the haptic experience of the products. In my view, it is essential in our industry to perceive textures and colors with your own senses. To ensure that you can meet your business partners safely at the Frankfurt exhibition center even in times of a pandemic, we have drawn up a comprehensive safety and hygiene concept. According to the current status, trade fair participants must present a current proof of vaccination or convalescence at the entrance. In addition, there are further measures such as online ticketing, 100 percent fresh air supply, generous design of halls and entrances to maintain safety distances, and intensive cleaning routines. Stand catering and the popular show cooking programme will also be possible with appropriate hygiene regulations. We have summarized all the current measures for you easily accessible on the Ambiente website. However, depending on the pandemic situation, there may be changes in the future.
Frankfurt am Main, November 2021. At Ambiente 2022, Dining is the big stage for everything that makes cooking and household goods easier and food more enjoyable. Thomas Kastl, Director Ambiente Dining, reveals in the following interview which highlights the world’s largest consumer goods fair offers and what else visitors need to know.

2. The HoReCa industry was hit very hard by the Corona pandemic. What feedback have you received from exhibitors with this distribution channel and what does the HoReCa hall offer next year?
Thomas Kastl:
We are very pleased that almost all exhibitors in Hall 6.0 from 2020 have registered again in 2022. This came almost as a surprise, but is an even more fantastic signal: the HoReCa industry is alive and well and ready for the re-start after Corona. Companies that have made firm commitments for the HoReCa hall include BHS with its Bauscher and Schönwald brands, Bonna, Kütahya, Porland, RAK, Steelite and V&B Hospitality Dining & Lifestyle. Hall 6.0, which was relaunched in 2020, was a resounding success at its premiere and the perfect place to go for decision-makers in the hospitality segment – including hotel chains, restaurant owners, caterers, cruise lines and airlines. At the upcoming Ambiente, exhibitors will again present their most recent collections there and invite visitors to the latest insights from the front-of-house sector. In addition, we will again have a HoReCa Academy, where top speakers will provide an in-depth outlook on relevant industry trends.
3. Hall planning in Global Sourcing will also be optimized and adapted for the coming Ambiente. What will change?
Thomas Kastl:
As the world’s leading trade fair and largest sourcing platform outside China, we want to provide the right impetus and inspiration with the new hall structure. That’s why we have packed Global Sourcing under one roof again: The area is concentrated in Hall 10 – from the basement to the roof. We’ve already had this in the past, and we will thus return to shorter distances for buyers. One reason for this is also China’s relatively restrictive travel policy and the resulting reduced participation opportunities for Chinese exhibitors. Global Sourcing buyers can still look forward to very international exhibitors from overseas. We already have registrations from Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Taiwan, Tunisia, and Turkey.
4. What does the supporting program for Ambiente 2022 look like?
Thomas Kastl:
The supporting program at the upcoming Ambiente will once again offer visitors numerous highlights that are not to be missed. For example, the two lecture areas Ambiente Academy (Hall 9.0) and HoReCa Academy (Hall 6.0) will provide insights into current market developments and invite visitors to engage in an extensive exchange of ideas. Clever kitchen and household helpers that make our lives easier can be seen in the special presentation Solutions in the foyer of Hall 4.0. A visit to Talents is also worthwhile: young designers on their way into the market will be presenting their products at the Talents areas Arts & Craft (Hall 4.0) and Interior Design (Hall 8.0). In addition, Ambiente 2022 will once again be the venue for numerous award ceremonies. These include the German Design Award, the Kitchen Innovation Award, the Tableware International Awards of Excellence and the Plagiarius (negative award for product piracy). The Hessian State Award for German Arts and Crafts will also be presented at Ambiente this time.
5. Ambiente is a trendsetter and source of inspiration for the consumer goods sector. As a marketplace for innovations, it presents the trends that end consumers are waiting for in the retail sector. What can visitors look forward to?
Thomas Kastl:
As the leading international trade fair for the consumer goods industry, Ambiente is the ideal platform for marketing new products and innovations internationally, for seeing innovations and for gaining impetus. You won’t find such a range at any other consumer goods fair. In addition to aesthetically beautiful and trendy products, sustainability with all its facets is now a core global social and economic issue with enormous significance. More and more people are becoming more mindful and critical when shopping, are well informed and ask about the origin, manufacturing conditions and materials of the products on offer. This has also been evident at Ambiente for several years. With its “Ethical Style” special interest, it is now the international trading center for sustainably produced consumer goods. Exhibitors producing in an ecologically and socially compatible manner can apply for Ethical Style. Those selected by an independent jury of international experts will receive an Ethical Style marker in the online exhibitor search as well as a marker at their booth on site. In total, there are six different Ethical Style categories, including resource-friendly manufacturing, fair and social responsible production as well as environmentally friendly materials. In addition, MADE51 is once again participating in Ambiente 2022 as part of a special presentation. The initiative of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) works together with partners from the business sector to secure sustainable livelihoods for refugee artisans.
6. Digital exchange has been part of our everyday life in recent months. Is a complementary online platform planned for Ambiente 2022?
Thomas Kastl:
Yes, Ambiente will be supplemented by additional digital offerings and networking formats in the form of Ambiente digital addition in 2022. International visitors who are unable to come to Frankfurt due to travel restrictions will be able to attend live as well as network online and follow the trade show highlights in content streamings. Ambiente digital addition thus enables efficient networking with exhibitors on site in Frankfurt. In this way, we are taking an important step towards the future and extending the duration of the trade fair. The digital exchange is already possible one week before as well as two weeks after the presence event. In addition, our online platforms Nextrade and Conzoom Solutions have already been providing the consumer goods industry with industry-relevant content 365 days a year since 2019 and offer digital order and data management. The direct order function via Nextrade will become even more attractive and interactive in the future, as the expansion of the showrooms in 3D will ensure even more experiential shopping. Thanks to digital walk-through capability, buyers will be able to reach their destination intuitively and with just a few clicks. In addition, Nextrade will be a special interest for the first time at Ambiente 2022, offering visitors an additional benefit.
The next Ambiente will take place from 11 to 15 February 2022.
From February 11 to 15, 2022, Ambiente will showcase the most important themes of the entire consumer goods range in the Dining, Living and Giving segments. At last, industry and trade can experience trade fairs again: Ordering on site, making international and national contacts and touching products.
Frankfurt am Main, 15th July 2021 – “Every day we are in conversation with our customers who want to be at the upcoming Ambiente to present their products live. That’s why we’re delighted that the world’s largest consumer goods trade show is also a set date for the industry in 2022. Especially after the pandemic period, the trade needs new impulses to boost consumption, the trade fair experience on site and direct ordering. Exhibitors and visitors will find these at Ambiente,” says Philipp Ferger, Vice President Consumer Goods Fairs.
As the leading international trade fair for the consumer goods industry, Ambiente is the ideal platform for marketing innovations and products internationally. Renowned dining brands sare preparing for Ambiente. Numerous industry giants from the living and giving sector have already registered.
“Even if the good sales of many members sometimes suggest otherwise: Ambiente is missing. Above all, it is missing as a real leading trade fair that brings buyers from all over the world to Germany and whose customers we can neither win digitally nor retain in the long term. But it is also missing as a business and communication platform, the latter hopefully in the future also in the direction of the end consumer,” says Jens-Heinrich Beckmann, General Manager of the German Knives and Housewares Association (Industrieverband Schneid- und Haushaltwaren e.V. IVSH). Ambiente is a trendsetter and source of inspiration for the consumer goods sector. As a platform for new products, it presents the trends that end consumers are waiting for in the retail trade. At the same time, it is the hotspot for topics such as sustainability, hospitality and contract business. In addition, it offers a high standard of design topics around the consumer goods range.
Digital supplementary offer
As the leading international trade fair for the consumer goods sector, Ambiente is constantly being developed with an eye to the future. In order to bring industry and trade together even more efficiently and in a more targeted manner, the physical event will be supplemented by online services, such as matchmaking, and live streams from the lecture program. It thus offers exhibitors and visitors new opportunities. Messe Frankfurt has already set up the Nextrade and Conzoom Solutions online platforms from 2019, which provide the consumer goods industry with industry-relevant content 365 days a year and offer digital order and data management. This means that manufacturers and retailers can continue to expand their international reach even after the event, keep up to date with the latest industry topics and benefit from the networking functions on offer.
The next Ambiente will take place from 11 to 15 February 2022.
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