Press Release
Successful relaunch for the EISENWARENMESSE – INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE FAIR in Cologne
+++ Around 25,000 visitors from 125 countries +++ Industry celebrates the trade fair’s relaunch after pandemic-related cancellations +++ Over 70 per cent of trade visitors travelled from outside Germany +++ Exhibitors praise high-quality contacts +++ Event’s results exceeded expectations
After more than four years, the EISENWARENMESSE – INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE FAIR 2022 has celebrated a successful comeback in Cologne. Around 1,400 exhibitors from 50 countries took advantage of the opportunity to present their products and innovations to the entire hardware industry again. The spectrum of products presented ranged from tools and accessories to building and DIY supplies all the way through to fasteners, fixings and fittings.
After four successful days of trade fair activity, the EISENWARENMESSE – INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE FAIR 2022 has closed its doors in Cologne. With around 25,000 trade visitors from 125 countries, the event returned after a 4.5-year enforced break and immediately confirmed its importance as the number one trade fair for the international hardware industry.
“The sense of relief at finally being able to meet face to face again after such a long time and do business in person could be clearly felt among all our exhibitors and trade visitors throughout the entire trade fair,” said Oliver Frese, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH. “You had the feeling that a big family was getting together again after a long time apart.”
“The trade fair was a success, especially in the context of the ongoing travel restrictions in Asia, the acute energy and raw materials crisis, and the geopolitical situation in many countries. The feedback from our exhibitors about the business contacts they’ve made is positive across the board. Clearly, companies made a strategic decision to attend the EISENWARENMESSE – INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE FAIR – the decision makers were here,” commented Oliver Frese.
EISEN Award 2022 powered by ZHH
The coveted EISEN Award was presented once again at the first EISENWARENMESSE – INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE FAIR after the pandemic. This time, Koelnmesse partnered with the German hardware trade association Zentralverband Hartwarenhandel (ZHH). From the more than 50 innovative products submitted, the expert jury selected the three prize winners of the EISEN Award 2022 powered by ZHH.
DIY Boulevard 2022
In cooperation with the manufacturers’ association Haus & Garten, Koelnmesse presented its 56 DIY suppliers with an exhibition area covering a total length of 272 metres, which had been fully booked long before the opening of the event. The DIY Boulevard offered manufacturers the unique experience of being able to design the POS in line with their branding with an authentic display of their merchandise as well as the chance to make direct contact with end customers.
eCommerce area
The digital transformation does not stop at the hardware industry. The EISENWARENMESSE – INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE FAIR has followed this development closely. With the eCommerce area, it provided the ideal platform for both finding and showcasing digital solutions. The spectrum of products and services ranged from shop systems and electronic payment systems to data storage and processing all the way through to search engine optimisation.
The next EISENWARENMESSE – International Hardware Fair Cologne will be held from 3 to 6 March 2024.
After two years of pandemic-related cancellations and postponements, the EISENWARENMESSE – International Hardware Fair is on track for a successful event in September 2022. German and European suppliers are strongly represented and there are also a fair number of exhibitors from outside Europe. At a time when supply chains are rebuilding themselves, the EISENWARENMESSE – International Hardware Fair is the perfect place to find new partners. EISENWARENMESSE @home offers networking opportunities beyond the physical event in Cologne – even with suppliers that cannot exhibit in person but will participate digitally on the @home platform.
“We are very pleased with how the event is coming along so far. There have been some cancellations, but we are also seeing amazing developments in the European market such as the enormous increase in exhibition space for Turkey. Germany, Southern and Eastern Europe, and the Netherlands will have a strong presence as usual. And for India, booking levels are also stable. All segments will be represented at the trade fair in the expected quality,” says Director of EISENWARENMESSE – International Hardware Fair Matthias Becker excitedly.
EISENWARENMESSE – International Hardware Fair 2022 is the first opportunity for the industry to get a complete overview and finally meet a variety of business partners in person again. Buyers and commercial representatives are already looking forward to the event – with strong support for the trade fair from major associations like EDRA/GHIN, BHB, BME and ZHH. The increased quality of trade fair visitors has also been evident at other events since the restart: “Across all sectors, we are seeing that those who come to our trade fairs have very clear goals and strong decision-making power,” says Matthias Becker.
Digitalisation brings new possibilities
Due to ongoing travel restrictions, many companies from Asian countries will have to cancel one more time in 2022. If possible, however, they will send their products and rely on their representatives from other continents to present them. Or they will take a completely different approach: For the first time, the personnel for the stands will be remote – the products are on-site in Cologne while the contact persons are digitally present.
Koelnmesse has also found a new solution for visitors who are unable to attend – they can book “Fair Scouts” who are industry experts. The scout either takes the visitor on a virtual tour of the fair grounds with the relevant technical equipment or looks at products based on a pre-briefing and holds initial conversations as directed. The EISENWARENMESSE – International Hardware Fair is becoming a truly hybrid event – and not just because of the new EISENWARENMESSE @home platform. While it includes the option to watch missed events on demand, the real heart of the platform is networking – particularly the Discovery Graph, which suggests contacts based on the individual profiles. As of 1 August, exhibitors will be able to manage their profiles on EISENWARENMESSE @home and from 12 September visitors will also have access to the platform after purchasing tickets.
eCommerce area completely booked
The event highlight in 2022 is the long-planned and now realised eCommerce area curated by digital rock star Michael Atug. The expo for everything related to store systems, ERP, electronic payment, hosting and search engine optimisation will take place on 27 and 28 September 2022 during EISENWARENMESSE – International Hardware Fair Cologne and is completely booked out with more than 30 suppliers. eBay, Facebook, DHL, Shopware and others will be there – a must for anyone interested in the digitalisation of the industry.
The EISEN Award powered by ZHH will also be presented live again in 2022: The EISENWARENMESSE – International Hardware Fair and Zentralverband Hartwarenhandel e.V. (ZHH/Central Association of the Hardware Trade) have once again set out to find outstanding inventions in the categories of innovation, design/ergonomics and sustainability. The winners will be awarded on the first day of the EISENWARENMESSE – International Hardware Fair on 25 September 2022 at 10:00 a.m. in the EISENforum.
Koelnmesse – industry trade fairs for the hardware sector: As a top international trade fair organiser, Koelnmesse is the global market leader in organising events for the hardware/ironware segment. It hosts the leading international event EISENWARENMESSE – International Hardware Fair Cologne at its trade fair grounds in Cologne, where Asia-Pacific Sourcing also showcases products, innovations and trends for homes and gardens from the Far East. In addition to the events at its Cologne headquarters, Koelnmesse is expanding its portfolio internationally in key markets: The China International Hardware Show in Shanghai and the International Hardware Fair Italy in Bergamo are bespoke events and leading trade fairs for the region with international participation. They create the foundation for sustainable, international business for their participants and bring together supply and demand within the sector with a carefully targeted approach.
After the pandemic situation continues to develop dynamically worldwide and it is already clear that strict travel restrictions will apply in March, especially for important Asian overseas markets, Koelnmesse has decided to hold the EISENWARENMESSE – INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE FAIR from 25 to 28 September 2022 instead of 6 to 9 March 2022 as planned.
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