Press Release
Cologne, April 2023
The leading global trade fair for sweets and snacks impresses with innovations and new taste experiences Return to the usual January date in 2024
ISM once again offered a variety of the finest sweet and savoury treats from all over the world on exhibition space spanning around 100,000 square metres. As a one-off occurrence, the leading global trade fair for sweets and snacks was staged in April together with ProSweets Cologne – Special Edition and turned Cologne into the international hub for the entire industry again. Together the two trade fairs cover the complete value chain for sweets and snacks. After the re-start edition last year, 1,274 exhibitors from 71 countries presented current trends and new products. In total, the trade fair duo attracted more than 25,000 visitors from 135 countries.The international share of visitors from the trade was 72 percent and at 88 percent the foreign share of industry visitors was very high.
This year a stronger focus was placed on addressing the challenges the industry is currently faced with and on the joint development of solutions. “We are delighted that ISM was able to set a strong signal in spite of the one-off postponement of the event from the January to the April. The positive figures, particularly with regards to the number of visitors, show that we are in a position to offer an outstanding trade fair of unique quality and internationality even under these difficult conditions,” Gerald Böse, President and Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH, emphasised.
“The fact that exhibitors and visitors from the whole world flocked to Cologne on this unaccustomed date by way of exception, underlines the outstanding significance of this trade fair for the global sweets and snacks industry. The quality of the business contacts was very high. This was confirmed by representatives from both the industry and the trade,” Bastian Fassin, Chairman of International Sweets and Biscuits Fair Task Force (AISM), added. The AISM is the partner and industry sponsor of ISM.
At 72 percent, the share of international trade visitors was customarily high. The European countries with the strongest participations this year were the Netherlands, Great Britain and Belgium. Growth was particularly registered in the number of visitors from Italy. Outside of Europe, the trade visitors primarily came from the USA, Korea and Israel.
The Lab5 by ISM in Hall 5.2, the industry’s new “place to be” was a special highlight. Here, the visitors were able to discover new products in special sections such as the Start-up Area or the Trend Snacks Area, examine the innovations of the companies participating in the “New Product Showcase” special event and raise their glasses to an inspiring trade fair visit at the Lab5 Bar accompanied by nice music.
New products and trends
It was very apparent at ISM: Regarding their sweets and snacks more and more consumers are placing importance on healthy and natural ingredients. Plant-based products and ingredients are still booming, which is reflected at ISM by creative ideas for enriching foodstuffs with fibres. The focus is being placed more and more on exotic aromas. New flavours like Smoky Tandoori, Bloody Mary or Mussels in White Wine are to increasingly conquer the market.
ISM in figures
1,274 suppliers from 71 countries took part in ISM 2023, 88 percent of whom came from abroad. They included 153 German exhibitors and 1,121 exhibitors from abroad. More than 25,000 trade visitors from 135 countries attended ISM 2023, the foreign share was 72 percent.
The next ISM is scheduled to take place from 28 to 31 January 2024.

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