Sanatech is a new tool to help tackle the challenges of the European Green Deal
Bologna, 2nd March 2021 – Sanatech is the new themed professional fair event dedicated to the production chain for agrifood, animal farming, forestry, wellbeing, organic, eco-sustainable and zero waste production. Sanatech will be integrated with the established and consolidated event SANA, the international Exhibition of Organic and Natural Products.
The expansion of the industrialized model of agriculture and conventional animal farming threatens 86% of species at risk from extinction (24,000 out of 28,000). This disquieting fact was revealed in a report compiled at the beginning of 2021 by the British think tank Chatham House, in collaboration with UNEP (the United Nations Environment Programme) and Compassion in World Farming.
This decade, more than any other, will see a substantial increase in the area of land dedicated to organic farming, thanks to measures introduced by governments across the European Union and in various areas of the world. BolognaFiere and FederBio have created a platform that will serve as a meeting point for all operators involved in organic production and those who wish to make a change in this direction, responding to a market that values sustainability, which is being reflected by consumer demand all around the world.
Sanatech, as part of SANA, will be taking place from 9-12 September 2021. All links in the production chain, from the seed, to agronomy practices, technologies and the most advanced innovations can enjoy a high-profile showcase at Sanatech, where the sector aims to provide a guarantee of the “from producer to consumer” logic that underpins the EU’s Green Deal for a policy that will radically change the way the countries of the EU produce food, to the benefit of the environment and the wellbeing of the population.
Designing a food production system that is fair, healthy and respects the environment requires great experience and guarantees of all links in the production chain all the way to the dinner table, with a “farm to fork” perspective that increasingly reflects the requirements of discerning consumers. This is a field in which Italy plays a leading role at international level for the extraordinary know-how acquired by its producers and institutions and its research into organic production based on guaranteed and certified methods.
Sanatech represents a unique opportunity as a qualified, international showcase of all relevant sectors, thanks also to intense activities of communication and training with Associations and Technical and Scientific Companies in all the related macro-sectors.
A global vision of the whole organic production process, with a particular focus on major themed areas of production, from the cereal production chain to horticulture, salad and the IV range to fruit and vegetables to drinks, forestry, animal farming, cheese production as well as wellbeing and personal care treatments with certified organic products and forms of production. This event is unique for its comprehensiveness and capacity to respond to Italian and European organic producers.
The organic sector is central to the strategies to kick-start business in the post-pandemic recovery. SANA will present new initiatives for operators in a sector that has demonstrated its centrality and its vocation for exports.
Bologna, February 2021 – The 33rd edition of SANA, the International Exhibition for Organic and Natural Products organized by BolognaFiere, in collaboration with FederBio/Assobio with the support of ITA, the Italian Trade Agency, is due to take place from 9 to 12 September at the Bologna Exhibition Centre.
The post-pandemic edition of the main national event and one of the leading events in Europe for the sector of organic and natural products has set the dates for the in-person event with new initiatives that will underline the importance and centrality of the trade fair for the entire production chain that is emerging reinvigorated from a year that has severely tested the global economy.
With a view to economic, environmental and social sustainability, in the last year the role of organic products has been asserted with even greater force, demonstrating its solidity and vast possibilities for growth, determined by a market that is extremely receptive to organic products and that is seeing an increasingly marked international attention towards “made in Italy” organic products.
In 2020 the organic market in Italy recorded sales values equal to 4.358 billion euros, a growth rate of +142% in 2020 compared with 2010 (year ending August). In parallel the value of organic exports is estimated at around 2.619 billion euros (over the same 12-month period) with growth of +149% in 2020 compared with 2010 and +3.5% compared with 2019 (Source: SANA Observatory 2020).
Italy’s position in terms of exports is also extremely positive; in 2020 our country ranked in second place behind the USA for organic exports, ahead of our European competitors (Spain and France, in third and fifth place respectively) and China (fourth).
Within this context, organic businesses consider participation at the international trade fair dedicated to the organic sector as the foremost tool for promoting their products on foreign markets and SANA, with its consolidated know-how and the initiatives implemented at institutional level with ICE-ITA and with the leading digital platforms, is without doubt the ideal platform with which to develop business on foreign markets.
Since the last edition of the event, BolognaFiere and SANA have maintained dialogue with the business community for the organic sector, promoting new initiatives for business and operators from the sector.
Examples of this include the agreement between BolognaFiere and Alibaba.com that has created a synergy between the BolognaFiere fair platform (in particular SANA) and the world’s leading online B2B platform, on which 26 million buyers active in 190 countries around the world operate each day. A strategic partnership has also been confirmed between BolognaFiere and Phenix Exhibitions organizer in Xiamen of the leading event for organic food, the China International Organic Food Expo (CIOFE), which involves the extensive participation of businesses specialized in organic fruit and vegetables, a compartment for which the event represents the ideal platform for accessing the Chinese market. In parallel with this, the China International Organic Food Expo has been identified by ICE-ITA, the Italian Trade Agency as a priority trade fair platform for the promotion of Italian organics in China. Also contributing to the promotion of organic products on Asian markets is the recent agreement promoted by BolognaFiere between FederBio and the China Organic Food Certification Centre (COFCC), China’s main national control and certification body for organic products, which is also the owner of the CIOFE fair event.
But BolognaFiere’s promotional activities have not only been taking place in the Chinese market. In recent months operators have been able to participate, in fact, in a series of webinars that have focused on countries offering the biggest commercial opportunities, such as the USA, thanks to the ICE and FederBio ITA platform that BolognaFiere has been actively involved in.
And thanks to this intense activity of development and networking with actors from the sector, in September 2021 SANA will be presenting a format enhanced with content and initiatives that will help grow the vision of the production chain.
Scheduled for the opening of SANA 2021 is the third edition of RIVOLUZIONE BIO (THE ORGANIC REVOLUTION), the initiative promoted by BolognaFiere in collaboration with FederBio/Assobio and with the organizational secretary of Nomisma, that has become an important opportunity for discussions involving institutions, players from the production chain and experts from the sector on issues of primary relevance that will be particularly central in the post-pandemic scenario. As is customary, RIVOLUZIONE BIO will include the presentation of the 2021 SANA Observatory, the report that monitors key statistics from the organic production chain, from production to market dimensions. The Observatory, also at this edition, is promoted by BolognaFiere and curated by Nomisma, with the support of FederBio, AssoBio and ICE-ITA the Italian Trade Agency.
The exhibition project SANA 2021 will includes six themed areas: FOOD, CARE&BEAUTY, GREEN LIFESTYLE, SANA TECH, SANA TEA and the FREE FROM HUB.
Among the new features in 2021 is the new themed exhibition SANA TECH, an international exhibition of the organic and natural production chain. This fair within the fair will be a showcase for producers of seeds, semi-finished products, raw materials, equipment, ingredients and technologies serving the organic sector. An innovative initiative, with a global vision of all of the productive process of the organic sector that, each year will develop dedicated focus sessions on various themed areas that will range from natural cosmetics and organic agriculture to animal rearing and ingredients. SANA TECH will be an important opportunity for visibility for a sector in which Italy plays a leading role at international level thanks to the extraordinary know-how acquired by national producers and the research into organic production based on guaranteed and certified methods.
The second new feature is SANA TEA, a brand new overview of the product category of tea and infusions that is seeing constant growth in the number of discerning enthusiasts and lovers of health drinks (which are becoming increasingly present in our day-to-day lives) as well as products with active ingredients for widespread use for personal wellbeing. SANA TEA focuses attention on the market for tea and infusions, the global revenues of which are forecast to reach 4.2 billion dollars in 2025 and in the last year recorded an increase of 4.2% (Source Market Research Future). For this market SANA TEA will analyse the direction, new features and benefits linked to drinking these beverages. SANA TEA is organized by BolognaFiere in collaboration with the association In Tè, which since 2017 has been the organizer of a festival dedicated entirely to tea and tea lovers.
Alongside this new entry are SANA’s established themed areas: FOOD, which will offer a broad overview of the agrifood production chain, examining new market trends, innovations and research; CARE&BEAUTY, where exhibitors include producers of cosmetics, natural and organic personal care products and dietary supplements and medicinal herbs; GREEN LIFESTYLE, dedicated to consumers in search of products for a healthy, environmentally friendly and responsible lifestyle; and the FREE FROM HUB, a showcase dedicated to both free-from and rich-in products that are responding to a growing trend among consumers. Furthermore, 2021 will see the return of LA VIA DELLE ERBE, the initiative organized in collaboration with SISTE (the Italian Society for the Applied Science of Medicinal Plants and Health Products) which will propose a new in-depth focus on this compartment.
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