Agreement signed between Tuttopizza – Regione Campania – SIAL Network – Universal Marketing
Tuttopizza is the international fair dedicated to pizza, which takes place annually in the city of Naples and which, since 2016, has been aimed at Ho.Re.Ca. professionals and all operators in the sector so they can update, discuss and learn about all the latest news concerning the world of pizza.
The event, now in its eighth edition, will take place, for the first time, simultaneously in Naples and Shanghai next May. In fact, thanks to the partnership signed between Tuttopizza – Regione Campania – Comexposium – SIAL Network – Universal Marketing, in Shanghai, at the same location will begin the collaboration between SIAL, the prestigious agri-food trade show, and Tuttopizza, the international pizza fair, both opening to the public on May 19th. Thus, for the first time since its creation, two events will take place at the same time, a symbol of a true bridge between the East and West, connected through pizza.

A partnership agreement that provides for the creation of events around the world under the Tuttopizza brand, events that will also take place within the Italian pavilions and agri-food sections of SIAL.
At the same time, in Naples, at the Tuttopizza fair, an incoming of buyers will be developed and international manufacturing companies will also be hosted.
The global pizza market is developing at a fast pace and is worth 148.6 billion US dollars (2023 data) in revenue. Italy, however, is not first in the world for number of pizzerias, therefore it is very important to highlight the value of this art also beyond national borders.
“The art of the Neapolitan pizza maker was declared as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2017. I am excited about this initiative which contributes to the growth of Squisito Event and of Tuttopizza and also to the diffusion of the pizza chef’s profession around the world” – declares Gianluca Pirro, director of the Squisito Event.
“Since its beginning, Tuttopizza’s mission has been to create a B2B event in Naples connectedto the world of pizza, which brings together all those people who wants to discover the secrets of pizza, because Naples, the region of Campania, is the source most important companies in this sector – mozzarella companies, tomato companies, flour mills and more. The fair hasnow grown a lot over the years, going beyond national borders.
The Tuttopizza fair, which began in 2016 and is in its eighth edition, will continue to be held in Naples, the cultural, moral and economic capital of pizza. At the same time, however, Tuttopizza will develop, in cooperation with Regione Campania, SIAL and Universal Marketing, events throughout the world to highlight the value of the art, the pizza and the Campanian companies that want to export their products abroad”, – declared Raffaele Biglietto, director and co-creator of Tuttopizza.
“Pizza tells, like no other, the flavors and excellence of the agricultural production of our land.
This agreement with the Sial Paris is part of the program to enhance the Campania agri-food sector and will see the Campania Region as a protagonist and as an institutional partner in the Sial Shanghai and Tuttopizza events in Naples. It is a great opportunity to promote pizza, the art of the Neapolitan pizza Chef, a UNESCO heritage site and to create new opportunities for our companies in the world of pizza, giving the opportunity to many products from the Campania supply chains: from San Marzano PDO tomatoes to mozzarella buffalo and PGI and PDO oils and many others to interface with an international audience” – stated Nicola Caputo Agriculture Councilor of Campania Region.
“We have big news for the Italian pizza market, from the moment we agreed to work with our friends at Tuttopizza for the first Tuttopizza outside Naples. As we know, Naples is the basis of true Italian pizza and for this reason we wanted to do something to make the event international.
For this reason, we will move next year to Shanghai, during SIAL Shanghai, for the first presentation event of the partnership between our organizations” – said Laurent Noel, Managing Director Comexposium.
“As Universal Marketing we are very proud of this important partnership.
Thanks to our role as sole agents for Italy of the SIAL Network, we very much wanted this collaboration with Tuttopizza and Regione Campania. We have represented SIAL China in Italy for several years and we know its potential and the development that it could bring to our companies. We are certain therefore that, in this context, Tuttopizza will be an added value for both events, not only for the success that the initiative will have at an international level, but also, first and foremost, for the capacity to bring our beloved country more to the forefront” – stated Donato Cinelli, President of Universal Marketing, agent for Italy of the SIAL Network.
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